Celestial hemisphere:  Northern  ·  Constellation: Auriga (Aur)  ·  Contains:  Flaming Star nebula  ·  IC 405  ·  IC 410  ·  IC 417  ·  M 38  ·  NGC 1893  ·  NGC 1907  ·  NGC 1912  ·  The star 14Aur  ·  The star 16Aur  ·  The star 19Aur  ·  The star φAur
Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist, Ben
Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist
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Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist

Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist, Ben
Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist
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Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist



Acquisition details



Little exposure time for this one. Part of Ha and all O3 have been shooted through the rising mist.

Lens opened at f2.


Sky plot

Sky plot


Tadpoles and Flaming Star through the mist, Ben